Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson is a POTUS1 candidate. Scroll down for her detailed policy positions.

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Candidate’s Grade


Grading Methodology

A+: comprehensive democracy plan with impressive public financing plan, promise to fix democracy first

A: comprehensive democracy plan with a strong policy in each category

B: notable proposals but overall plan lacks depth regarding scope and/or implementation

C: few democracy reform proposals, campaign makes infrequent mentions of reform

D: no meaningful democracy plan

F: active opponent of democracy

Candidate Policy Positions

Everyone’s Vote Should Count (Equally)

  • Eliminate the Electoral College
  • Statehood for D.C. and Puerto Rico
  • Independent redistricting commissions
  • Ensure voting machines are secure
  • Ranked choice voting

Voting Rights

  • Elimination of voter ID and other voter suppression policies
  • Automatic voter registration
  • Lower the voting age to 16
  • Make Election Day a national holiday
  • Increase election security
  • Guarantee of enough time and polling places to allow for easy access to voting
  • Restoring voting rights to felons after serving sentences
  • Same-day voter registration
  • Federal limits on voter purges

Money in Politics

  • A Constitutional Amendment or legislation to establish public financing of federal campaigns (has expressed preference for democracy vouchers)
  • Overturn Citizens United

Candidate Overview

Williamson has pledged to fix democracy first!

Williamson has an extremely strong democracy reform platform. She endorses all of the major policies in our reform platform. We would like to see her commit to a specific public financing model.

Click here to see her full democracy reform platform.

Here are some policies she could adopt to improve her platform:

  • Clarify public financing plan
  • A full end to felon disenfranchisement

If you want to see Marianne Williamson embrace these policies, check the bottom of the page for her staffers contact information.

In Her Own Words

“While politicians point to ‘health care’ or ‘jobs’ or ‘the economy’ as the issues, the real issue is that our government has been hijacked by corporate and financial forces that have systematically moved the bulk of our public treasure into the hands of a few of our citizens, basically returning us to an aristocratic system in which a few are served at the expense of the many.”

“There is only one way to override the nefarious influence of the corporatist, anti-democratic trend in American politics today. That is through massive citizen engagement, a massive renaissance of political consciousness among the American people, through which millions of citizens will become the societal immune system that casts out the opportunistic infection of authoritarian corporatist forces.”

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