Is there a way to make the 2020 election about something more than simply defeating President Trump? Can it become an election that unites America? Can we leverage what unifies America, and get an (unrigged) democracy that could work? That’s the hope described in this six episodes — Another Way, Season One.

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S7E1: Common Ground?

S7E1: Common Ground?

In this season, Lessig will have a conversation with Ben Hepburn, a friend from high school, whose politics is not Lessig's. The plan for the season is to check in regularly about the latest questions raised by the new Trump administration, and see whether a...


S6E9: What Then?

S6E9: What Then?

On this episode, Lessig outlines what happens if Maine passes Question 1. What are the next steps, and the arguments that will get us to the Supreme Court — and to victory! Become a Patreon subscriber: Music:Roundpine by Blue Dot...

S6E8: The Campaign in Maine

S6E8: The Campaign in Maine

On this episode, Lessig describes the campaign in Maine. The legislature chose to let the people decide whether to vote against SuperPACs in Maine — and if upheld, the nation. This episode discusses that campaign, and the risks it faces. Check out the website of the...

S6E7: The Legislature Decides

S6E7: The Legislature Decides

On this episode, Lessig keeps the story going. We got the signatures. The next step was that the Maine legislature needed to decide whether it would pass the initiative into law itself, or let it go to the ballot. This episode is the story of the legislative hearing,...

S6E6: The Race to Gather Signatures

S6E6: The Race to Gather Signatures

On this episode, Lessig chronicles the next chapter in the story of the Maine initiative. We had an idea — based on FreeSpeechForPeople’s brilliant argument — for an initiative. And Mainers were excited about the idea. A poll showed overwhelming support for the...

S6E5: The Origins of the Initiative

S6E5: The Origins of the Initiative

On this episode, Lessig details how we got to this initiative that could end Super PACs:’s brilliant argument, and the decision to take that argument into the field and win! Become a Patreon subscriber:

S6S4: The Fight to End SuperPACs and Originalism

S6S4: The Fight to End SuperPACs and Originalism

On this episode, Lessig provides a brief history of the fight to end SuperPACs. Then, critically, he examines how the theory of the conservatives — originalism — supports our argument against SuperPACs. Become a Patreon subscriber:...

S6E3: The Money Problem

S6E3: The Money Problem

On this episode, Lessig asks: How is money a problem in a democracy, and how is it like the other problems we’re facing in our democracy? Become a Patreon subscriber: Music:Roundpine by Blue Dot SessionsNoe Noe by Blue Dot...

S6E2: The Legal Background

S6E2: The Legal Background

On this episode, Lessig explains the legal background to the Maine initiative, from Citizens United to the case that gave us SuperPACs: SpeechNow v. FEC (2010). Become a Patreon subscriber: Music:Roundpine by Blue Dot SessionsNoe...

S6E1: The Maine Initiative That Could End SuperPACs

S6E1: The Maine Initiative That Could End SuperPACs

On this episode, Lessig introduces the upcoming Maine initiative that could end SuperPACs and lays out the plan for Season 6 of Another Way. Become a Patreon subscriber: Music:Roundpine by Blue Dot SessionsNoe Noe by Blue Dot...

S5E27: Conclusion

S5E27: Conclusion

For this final episode of Season 5, Lessig speaks to TedX Berlin about AI, democracy, and the future. You can watch a video recording of this TedX talk here: Become a Patreon subscriber:


Can we make 2020 something more than a civil war between Democrats and Republicans?

That’s the challenge that has inspired this podcast by Equal Citizens founder, Lawrence Lessig. Without doubting the urgent need to defeat our current President, Lessig lays out a strategy that leverages the common ground that unites America, to the end of fixing our rigged and broken democracy.

Drawing upon the history of other moments of fundamental change in America, Lessig maps a strategy that steps above our partisan divide. It is a moonshot, no doubt. But it is the one shot that could get us beyond the pathological division that destroys our government today.

This is the conversation that the politicians won’t give us. And that’s precisely why we citizens must begin it now. This is six episodes that are an invitation to begin that repair.